Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cybersex- The new simulated experiece?

Cybersex, computer sex, internet sex. Are you a victim of this online simulated experience? Ferree (2003) describes cybersex as healthy sexual expression used for meaningful relationships, used by individuals who are often isolated from the world. This not so unusual experienced is now often used by young teenages from the age of 13- through to the elder ages, where society at that age has access to websites such as At the age of 13 onwards, teenages have websites aimed at their age group, such as MSN messenger, Myspace and Facebook…but are these websites always safe? Is the person on the other end of the computer the person they say they are?

There has been a recent uproar in the amount of young teenage girls accessing pornography over the internet, and engaging in cybersex. There is a shocking truth behind internet usage within teenages. Statistics have shown that by a poll completed by more than 800 Australian teens aged 12-18, more than 40% had been asked to post naked or half naked photos of themselves via the internet. This is potentially giving child predators ‘easy’ pornography, and, through harassment these predators will definitely get their way.

Is hyperreality a place for an ‘easy way out’ for those afraid of real engagements and emotions with the real world? Farrell (2010), tells the story of Rebecca. Although not being sexually active, she is with the men (or so called men) she meets online. Many times she has engaged in cyber sex –but, she has not engaged in physically having sex since using the internet provider. Now, being tied down to her computer, Rebecca can now be seen as a type of cyborg, living half through the real world and half through computer. This story leads to one question, will even newer advancements in technology lead people to have sex lives on their computers rather than in the real world?

Being called the “most concerning thing to psychological health”, porn is described as the new crack cocaine and addictive by Ryan Singel in his article Internet Porn: Worse than crack?. This not only includes adult, but child pornography as well. This consists of young individuals allegedly producing pornographic images of themselves to others over the internet.

Whether you are a victim of the cybersex saga over the internet or not, it is becoming a common feature of the technology world. Used by various people of various ages, there will always be a website open to you for use, whether you want to use it or not. Although often seen as the wrong thing to do, it is becoming more common in society. Will you become a victim?

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